Monday, August 31, 2009

Fasting Month of Ramadan

Ramadan is a holy month to Muslims all around the world. It falls on the 9th months of Islamic lunar calendar every year. During this month, all Muslim around the world regardless gender, race, or geography difference, will fast. Fasting is to abstain oneself from eating or drinking, also from other activity that can repeal ones fast, from fajr (dawn) until maghrib (dusk). Fasting is the third of the five pillars of Islam and involves fasting during Ramadan. As a Muslim, it is our obligation to fulfil the requirement in the Pillars Of Islam.

Fasting is believed to be more than abstaining from food and drink. It also desists of any falsehood in speech and action, from any ignorant and indecent talking, and from arguing and fighting. Consequently, fasting helps strengthen control of impulses and develop good behaviour. During the sacred month of Ramadan, believers strive to purify body and soul and increase their taqwa (good deeds and God-consciousness). This purification of body and soul harmonizes between the inner and outer sphere of an individual. (Wikipedia, Aug 2009)

The best experience I had during the blessing month of Ramadan is to breakfast with friends at collage. Living a life as a student and have to stay in hostel was a drastic changed to me. The fact of being miles away from home and beloved family sometimes scares me as I never practically being apart from them before. Nevertheless, through time, I have learnt to be independent and manage to survive my first year living at hostel with many wonderful experiences. This year was the second meaningful Ramadan I had to go trough at hostel in campus. Here, my friends and I usually breakfast together. We will make sure to buy the food and prepare it down on mattress on the floor before azan Maghrib. We generally have class every weekday at 2pm to 4pm and sometimes until 6pm. So, on our way back from class, we will drop by at Redang Cafe (our nearby cafe situated in collage area) to get food and desserts. Sometimes, we went out to buy food from local restaurant or from the Ramadan Bazaar nearby in Dungun.

Gathering in one room, in which always be Fatiah’s room, we will bring in all the food and prepare it properly together. It is a nice thing to do every day as we all helps one and other to set the mattress. Fatiah always prepare the drinks, as she is the best drink-maker among us while the others help setting the mattress. After that, we all sit around the food and drinks and wait patiently for breakfasting moment. When hearing the azan Maghrib, Ainun will lead on saying a prayer before we eat our food. While eating, we will chat about things that come to interest. Ila and Zida always tell us jokes that cheer everyone in the room. This wonderful moment is far different compare to breakfasting at home. We all experienced the same thing here and yet indeed we still missing home. After finish eating, Zana, Ida, Ain, and me will help cleaning the floor and wash the dishes.

Another incomparable practise to do during the divine month of Ramadan is to perform Tarawih pray at mosque. After Maghrib prayer, we will get ready with appropriate attire to mosque to perform the prayer. It is said to be a completeness of fasting during Ramadan with performing Tarawih pray. However, it is not a compulsory practise.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First start

I have been introduced to blogging website during BEL 312 class today. Previously, i only read and viewed other blogger's posting here and there on the internet however it never once crossed mind to start one of my own. Well, it is a little bit exciting as i also love writing and sharing my opinion with others.
i'm glad to finally become involve in the exciting world of blogging.